Spetsintech LLC
Complex equipment of medical waste management sites
We ensure the safety of the staff and the patients of medical organizations from the spread of nosocomial infections
About Us
Year of foundation
Our main activity is the promotion and realization of modern Russian technologies in the field of disposal of medical waste produced by OOO “NPP “OMITEKS” (Russian Federation, Obninsk) (“NPP “OMITEKS”, LLC), www.omiteks.com
Delivered units
Since 2006, more than 2,300 units of our equipment have been delivered and successfully operate in organizations of various profiles in different cities of Russia
In 2021, OOO «SPECINTECH» (SPECINTECH, LLC) received a certificate of record into the roster of bona fide suppliers, and was also included in the register of reliable suppliers
All catalog-
The system for microwave neutralization of medical waste "UOMO-T150"
The press destructor for medical waste
The destructor / The Shredder for medical waste
The system for microwave neutralization of medical waste "UOMO-T90"
Installation and commissioning of medical equipment
Warranty and post-warranty service of medical equipment
On-line user consultation on the basic skills of working with equipment
Equipment according to all standards
Declaration of Conformity
Registration certificate of the ME and SR RF
Reliable supplier
Conscientious Supplier
Test report for the system for microwave neutralization of medical waste "UOMO-T150"